Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta Offers Volunteer Program for Veterans
Visiting Nurse Health System | Hospice Atlanta, as a partner with We Honor Veterans, offers a program for our patients who are military veterans to be matched with volunteers who are veterans. We Honor Veterans is a collaboration between the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the Veterans Administration and hospices around the country. Volunteers visit, swap stories, talk about shared experiences and lend a compassionate ear. Volunteers are specially trained to support patients and their families during the difficult time end-of-life brings.
Veterans Connecting With Veterans
Hospice Atlanta understands that veterans in hospice require special care. Specific actions are taken to help meet the unique needs of veterans. Social workers act as the liaison between patients and the Veterans Administration to help each veteran navigate the benefits he or she is entitled to. Additionally, Hospice Atlanta holds seminars to educate staff and volunteers about veteran related end-of-life issues, such as side effects from Agent Orange or unseen issues like PTSD or combat flashbacks.
One way Hospice Atlanta recognizes the sacrifices of veterans is through pinning ceremonies. Volunteers who are veterans present our patients with pins, certificates and a sincere Thank You for their service—a recognition that might have been a long time coming for some veterans.
This program is an opportunity for Hospice Atlanta to continue its support for United States veterans, but more importantly, this program benefits and gives back to the patients who have heroically served our country. When a veteran is in the final chapter of his or her life, the opportunity to visit with fellow veterans provides these patients with a special connection, unmatched camaraderie, and possibly even closure about issues they’ve both experienced since their days of service. The volunteers involved also receive their own special, intrinsic gift by helping fellow comrades in need of a sympathetic and understanding friend.
Veterans interested in joining the volunteer program are encouraged to call Ann Serrie, Volunteer Coordinator at Hospice Atlanta at 404.848.7955. Hospice Atlanta Center is conveniently located in Brookhaven at 1244 Park Vista Drive NE, Atlanta, GA, 30319.