Home Healthcare Overview
Visiting Nurse brings your healthcare… and peace of mind… home.
Visiting Nurse brings your healthcare… and peace of mind… home.
Visiting Nurse Health System is a true leader in the home healthcare industry and we offer a variety of home healthcare services in Atlanta. After surgery or an illness, it’s wonderful to receive discharge orders from the hospital and be headed to the warmth and familiarity of your own home. But this transition can also be fraught with uncertainty and quite frankly, it can be a bit scary. The solution is to bring competent short-term care and expertise home with you. You can when your physician orders home health services and you choose Visiting Nurse.
We understand how to make the transition from hospital to home quite seamless. The care begins with a Visiting Nurse Transition Liaison who will answer all of your questions and assess you and your family’s needs. This professional will explain what we can provide and when that care will start. He or she will also discuss cost and can provide essential information to the insurance company to help sort out your benefits. And with Visiting Nurse, you have assistance even when nurses or therapists aren’t in your home. You will have access to a RN 24 hours a day, every day . Visiting Nurse also involves those you designate as your caregivers to ensure you have the support needed when our staff is not in your home.
Just because you’re going home, you don’t have to go alone. If you need home health services, rely on the most trusted provider in Georgia, Visiting Nurse Health System. For more information call (404) 215-6000.